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intaconsult was formed in 2002 by Lindsay Murdoch and John Griffin. intaconsult is a professional consulting organisation with an extensive talent pool made up of experienced consultants with many years of experience with A-list companies.


Lindsay leads our comprehensive team of consultants to provide professional and effective consulting.


John is responsible for business development, operations and relationship management with all of our suppliers.



intaconsult's purpose is to enable businesses to achieve their aims through the development and implementation of successful integrated people strategies and initiatives that support and compliment all other business initiatives.



In support of growing a successful business, intaconsult Limited has a core purpose and core values that will remain fixed while its strategies and practices endlessly adapt to the dynamic environment in which it operates. This vision will provide guidance about what to preserve and what to change.


By 2021 we aim to be one of the most reputable independent change consultancy companies known - strong, respected, and revered, for delivering fantastic results and helping our clients achieve the 'wow' factor moulding together the knowledge and skills of our customers and consultants. At intaconsult we live by the following core values - which we will not compromise on under any circumstance - we would rather change our business than our values!


Customer Centred - a dedication to the achievement of fantastic results, excellence and quality through true business partnerships with our customers (and suppliers) achieving mutual respect and loyalty - treating customers, as we would like to be treated ourselves.


Results orientated - integrated high quality, innovative activities and initiatives designed and fulfilled to enable the achievement of the business strategy, committed, hands on and practical in our approach bringing rewards (including financial rewards) to our clients and customers that could not be achieved alone.


Respect for the individual - creation of a supportive, learning environment for our clients, suppliers and each other in the development of high performing teams and the delivery of mutual benefits to all parties.


Supplier partnering - working with our suppliers and the talent in our consultancy pool in an open and transparent manner based on the achievement of mutual benefit and respect for what each has to contribute to a customer....or client relationship.


Professional Ethics - to be trustworthy and transparent and to act with honesty and integrity in all that we do even when at times this might make us unpopular and provides a risk of losing business. Treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.


Our reputation for enabling sustainable change will make us the most sought after people orientated change transformation company in our area of expertise - partnering businesses through the change agenda and enabling transformation.


We will aim high and be known for really changing businesses and our clients will recommend us so that they and those in their network would not embark on a change programme without us.

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