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  • Writer's pictureLindsay Murdoch

The Change Strategy Series

Business Change Strategy, developing a change approach to enable the achievement of change that is more likely to be a success if applied carefully. The 6 stages in Intaconsult's Change Strategy approach are closely linked:

  • Articulate the Change: Clarify the reasons for change & tangible objectives

  • Shape the Change: Define the approach

  • Design the Change: Define project outputs, identify team(s) and budget

  • Plan the Change: Governance & activities

  • Implement the Change: Manage ongoing two-way communication and adjust plan

  • Sustain the Change: Continue to engage and to consult, ensure benefits are fully realised

An organisation can apply change tools and techniques to enable the achievement of change that is more likely to be a success if applied carefully.

Stakeholder and employee engagement is key to the approach to build awareness, understanding and commitment to the change and creating opportunities for colleagues to get involved in the change.

View our presentation on Change Strategy. You can also read our Change Strategy e-Book who knew there was so much to say.

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